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Join date: Jun 3, 2022


If you have a task list which you want to sort into categories, do something to it, and then sort the categories out again, this utility will enable you to do this.Requirements:The program is compatible with all Windows versions, starting with Windows 95.Integration in the Windows shell:You can easily add the utility to the taskbar and drag it around.Intuitive interface:The utility comes with a clean, easily readable interface, showing you the current task and the number of items in each category.Simple to use:The main window is quite small and you don't need to use any tricky settings.Support for many languages:The program is translated into many languages, including:- French- German- Spanish- Finnish- Italian- Japanese- PolishDescriptionSYNOPSISIt is something different, and different is good. The program is also good.The program allows you to sort programs by execution time and execution memory. It works with.exe,.dll,.dso,.so, files. The result is saved in html table.There are many commands that you can use.If you don't have a copy of Excel you can use the Excel online to save the report.IMPORTANT!Please download and install it only from the website of the program:Your registration will be linked with your library.DESCRIPTIONIt is a simple software that could help to you to sort programs by execution time and execution memory. It can be also useful if you need to see how works the memory of application. The result is saved in html table.The program supports the following languages: english, russian, french, german, spanish, polish, finnish, japanese, portuguese, bulgarian, czech, slovakian, korean, chinese, indonesian, dutch, slovenian, danish, croatian, ukrainian, hungarian.The program allows you to create and modify reports, but I think it would be better if it would be possible to add new programs to the statistics.The program can be started from an icon placed on the desktop or Windows.The first button of application (NEW) have a high priority in operating system.Here you will see the program window 08929e5ed8

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